Wednesday, October 17

Lattes at home with your Keurig

This reduces my Starbucks habit.  I love it!  All measurements are subjective to your preference as well as the size of mug you are using.

I use a larger mug and add maybe 2 teaspoons of honey and about 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract.  Then i fill the cup about 1/3 with milk and microwave for 1 minute.  Then I froth it with my handy little milk frother.

Place cup in Keurig - I use the medium setting.  Give it a good stir when done and Voila! 

Optional:  I'm adding about a teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice before I froth at the moment.  Very yummy.

Recipe to make your own Pumpkin Pie spike mix: